
Setup Analytical Capability

Code 6 is the answer for agencies struggling with building analytical capability. We pursue the integration of analysis into every operation as needed – patrol, investigations, specialized programs, and corrections.

We achieve team and skill development with sustainable training plans, the use of all-source intelligence, information sharing, streamlining information channels, and setting up internal deconfliction processes. We define clear roles and program scope to perform intelligence planning, collection, analysis, and dissemination.

We recommend industry-standard practices and craft intelligence products tailored to your agency’s needs and mission readiness. We also provide fundamental training for front-line supervision and officers in intelligence-led policing. We understand the difficulties to overcome budget and resource challenges – we take the road less traveled and that makes all the difference.

Successful investigations come with information sharing within law enforcement agencies and this is facilitated through analytical units. We help leverage both new and existing channels within the region, ultimately enhancing overall agency resourcefulness.

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